Emmanuel Choir

The Emmanuel Choir is the principle vocal ensemble of Emmanuel Church and sings on Sundays at 10 a.m. from September to June. Led by the organist and choirmaster, the choir presents anthems that span the history of music and a variety of musical styles. In addition to Sunday morning services, the choir sings three 5 p.m. Evensongs annually in celebration of All Saints’ Sunday, Mid-Lent (Laetare Sunday), and Founders’ Day on the first Sunday of June. The Emmanuel Choir also combines with the choir of St. John’s, Newport for two other special services during the year: Lessons and Carols (sung at St. John’s) and a choral Eucharist in celebration of Ascension Day (sung at Emmanuel).

Historically, the Emmanuel Choir began as a volunteer choir of men and women, but it soon became a choir of men and boys with 15 members singing for the first time on July 9, 1899. Within three months the choir had grown to 37 members. The boys were paid five cents for each rehearsal and worship service! The choir became affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music in 1970 and has continued the affiliation ever since. The choir of men and boys transitioned to a mixed adult ensemble in 1999.

New members are always welcome! Rehearsals are held weekly from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the chancel, and on Sundays the choir gathers at 9 a.m. for a brief pre-service rehearsal. Prior training and the ability to read music are desirable but not required. Please speak with our organist and choirmaster, Raymond Buttero, or contact the church office if you are interested in singing with us.


Swing into Spring with the Larry Brown Swinglane Orchestra - Pentecost Sunday - May 19th, 2024 - 7:30 - 10:00 pm - Tickets $25